Changing Hostname for an Existing InfoServer Installation

Information Server comes with default hostnames and ports.  If you encounter conflicts in your environment, they can be changed:


The hostname for the Engine tier CANNOT be changed; only the Services tier (i.e., application server) and Repository tier (i.e., metadata repository database; Xmeta) allow this type of change.

Here are official instructions for changing the application server host name and port:

Here are official instructions for changing the metadata repository database host name and port:

Here are instructions for all the InfoServer data stores:


I’ve learned that changing the hostname for the Engine tier can be accomplished with some scripts, but it is not easy.  The public reference I’ve been provided is this following link, which are not instructions for this task, but a workaround for a different issue and a warning on the last step…“…you can contact the Information Server technical support team to obtain a set of instructions and scripts that are used to update the DataStage configuration….  This requires a significant amount of work to change and is usually a last resort.”

8 thoughts on “Changing Hostname for an Existing InfoServer Installation

  1. Brian – good info here. I see this guides one to update Version.xml and registered-servers.xml, It seems like there was an additional step related to the Engine tier which had to be taken, but I can’t recall or find any more info. Maybe I’m just crazy…

    ~ Kerr


  2. Kerry, I received a reply from an Advisory IT Specialist:

    “It is not possible to change the hostname of the DataStage environment, because the installer writes this information in the XMETA database in many places. The only way is to reinstall the whole environment with a new hostname.”

    Apparently the DS Engine tier cannot easily change its hostname. Let’s face it…it ain’t worth the effort. Apparently the link in my post is a guide to change the hostname of the Repository and Services tiers only. However, I still think you’re crazy.


    • Thanks for following up on this, Brian. You’re right, the XMETA dependencies would make an Engine tier hostname change pretty risky.

      Fair point on my being crazy. 🙂


  3. 1.Start the db2 after u change the hostname and IP. Provide u can connect the xmeta database.

    2.Update /etc/hosts on server and C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\HOSTS on client
    [newIP] [oldServerName] [oldServerName] [newServerName] [newServerName]

    3.Update datastage node apt file on server
    node “node1”
    fastname “[newServerName]”
    pools “”
    resource disk “/opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server/Datasets” {pools “”}
    resource scratchdisk “/opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server/Scratch” {pools “”}
    node “node2”
    fastname “[newServerName]”
    pools “”
    resource disk “/opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server/Datasets” {pools “”}
    resource scratchdisk “/opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server/Scratch” {pools “”}


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